
MAY 15th Build Rained out.

May 15th Build is cancelled due to rain see you next Saturday.


Day Two -Women Build House

Saturday May 8, 2010. Wow, What progress.
The day started out great. Nice weather, gentle breeze and warm sun. We started right away getting the trusses up. Lots of new faces and some returning old friends.

The announcement to the ladybuilders that we were installing trusses came to shock on the faces of the new recruits. They saw the pile of neatly organized triangular trusses and the height of the house and they were very doubtful.

With a leap of faith and with the guidance of the crew leaders showed them just how easy they go up. After the first truss was in place... a wave of confidence took over the new volunteers. For the rest of the day, each volunteer couldn't wait the get the next project underway.

"Anne said look ... "its starting to look like a real house."

One of our crew leaders said. I forgot how exciting it is to watch ladies for the first time to witness and participate in a first build day.

The trusses went up without a hitch. The windows are installed and the wall sheathing is now complete. Drywall nailers are in place and next week we will start the Decking of the roof, and start building the shed. Garages are not included in Habitat homes so sheds are built to help with outdoor storage, sheds are sided the same as the home (very cute).

Marty donated lunch this week for all of those who worked a full day. Thanks Marty for your contribution! Lunches are always welcomed for the all day crew.


Saturday May 1st Day ONE!

Saturday went so well. It started to rain just as we started to set the job site up. Then it quit soon as our first lady builder showed up. We started right away.

We had several new faces now new friends help to build. We did great. The rain started up again, luckily it didn't last log.

Our wall raising ceremony went beautifully. Howards family and Sally's friends joined together to sing their praise. Howard and Sally will sure be missed. This will be the first women build in Tulsa without them. Our thoughts and prayers to their families.

With the break in the weather we raised our first wall, then the next, then the next and finally the last of the exterior walls were secured. Keeping an eye on the weather we finished the day with wet t-shirts, muddy shoes and half the interior walls and lots of smiles and lots of new friends.

This Saturday we have a head start. Tulsa habitat Staff did their Seasonal build day on our house. THANKS! So we will be getting right to Trusses. Hope for sunshine.

So bring out your family and friends and meet us out on the job site.