As a reminder to those of you interested; this saturday there is going to be a class for any women builders interested in learning how to tile. The class will be taught by Wendy. Wendy single handedly tiles many of the bathrooms in the Tulsa area Habitat for Humanity houses and is looking for an apprentice.
Please know that your attendance is greatly appreciated, however, Wendy hopes to be training a couple of people committed to being her apprentices for this next build season!
If you are interested, it will be from 10-noon
The Class will be held at Habitat for Humanity Tulsa : 6235 E 13th StTulsa, OK 74112
Please contact us and let us know if you plan to attend.
Thank you for your commitment to serving others!
This is good idea, because on this times all the men are not in home. they are all the time makings more kids, but they dont give any support.